

ThatEconsTutor (TET Education) Economics tutor Mr Melvin Koh started out teaching JC Economics to students on a 1-1 basis in 2004, before starting his own Economics tuition centre in 2014. Since then, TET’s Economics tuition class enrolment has grown, as the number of students who responded well to its teaching methodologies expanded steadily. As the author of the Economics Ten Year Series (since 2013), Mr Koh is familiar with A Level Economics examination techniques and has produced two sets of consolidated H1 and H2 Economics notes to guide students on their exam preparations.

To unlock a student’s potential to do well in H1 and H2 economics examinations, TET focuses on two aspects:

1) Motivation

Allowing an Economics student to see how they can do MORE with LESS is the key to getting them stimulated in the subject. Many students find A Level Economics daunting as this is a new subject which they encounter only in JC. By cutting through the content clutter and distilling the ENTIRE syllabus into key examinable themes, TET’s students can see where to START and END their revision and proceed to examinations with confidence. This renewed perspective is empowering.

In addition, linking economics concepts to real-world scenarios and application helps students to see how relevant Economics is as a tool to augment their decision-making process. From understanding the application of rational behaviour to cognitive biases, students walk away from TET’s classes feeling that they have acquired knowledge which they are ready to share with their friends and family members.

2) Methodology

Writing an Economics essay can be intimidating when presented with a blank answer booklet and a 50-min time limit. TET helps students in Singapore maximise their performance by PUTTING THE SCIENCE back into Economics. This entails distilling the syllabus into key examinable themes, then designing intuitive and powerful answering structures to help students answer MOST of the questions in their examinations and deliver a L3-worthy answer.

To find out more, simply sign up for a trial economics tuition class. An added advantage of early sign-ups is that you get to monitor your progress with TET along the way, and would not have to cram in two years’ of work in a frantic rush for the finals.

Students who are keen can contact our JC economics tutor Mr Koh directly at 9070-6248.

For H1 and H2 Economics students joining later in the year and looking to catch up urgently, click here to check out our intensive revision classes in Singapore.

Mr. Melvin Koh – JC Economics Tutor in Singapore, TET Education.

Our JC Economics Tuition Classes

JC 1 - Classes are conducted in small groups

JC economics tuition

TET Economics tuition class structure goes according to school syllabus, with extra resources and sessions provided for students covering macroeconomics in their first year.

JC2 - Classes are conducted in small groups

A level economics tuition

Syllabus coverage ends in end-May, followed by intensive revision and drilling classes. Limited openings left.

June and Year-end Crash Courses - Group classes

economics tuition classes at bukit timah

1 topic covered per day, spanning a five-day period. 3 hours per session. Sign up with a friend to get $20 off.

econs tuition study guide
economics tuition guidebook
h2 economics tuition ten year series


Mr Melvin Koh

Mr. Melvin Koh is the Principal JC Economics Tutor at TET Education Centre Pte. Ltd. (MOE Registration Number 3897), an education centre that focuses on helping ‘A’ Level students maximise their potential in A Level Economics through JC economics tuition classes, and improve their application skills to score in examinations. Apart from being an JC economics tutor in Singapore, Mr Koh is also the author of the Economics Ten Year Series (available at Popular bookstores), and the bestselling ‘A’ Level Economics Guidebook which many students adopt as a study guide today. He has also written a children’s book with Epigram and is currently on the editorial team of the Economics Society of Singapore annual bulletin.

Mr Koh considers himself a successful JC economics tutor by achieving >80% A/B in most of his JC economics tuition classes (2023 results):  83% scored A/B, with majority of them scoring Distinctions). Students who are interested in signing up for JC economics tuition in Singapore are always welcome to experience the difference with a trial econs tuition class.

Economics tutor Singapore

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Why Economics Tuition with ThatEconsTutor (TET)?

Experienced Tutor: With more than a decade of experience in teaching JC Economics, Economics tutor Mr Melvin Koh is well equipped with learning frameworks and answering structures to tackle different types of challenging A Level Economics questions.

Consolidated Notes: To help students cut through the clutter in their JC Economics notes, TET has developed two sets of Economics notes to help students strengthen their application skills and distill the A Level Econs syllabus into commonly tested themes.

Learning Resources: Clarity and attention to detail in TET’s Economics tuition classes can be observed through hundreds of Mr Koh’s Youtube videos. In addition, TET’s JC Econs tuition students will be guided on how to use its proprietory A-Level Economics companion website to write essay plans and to revise content effectively.

jc economics tuition singapore

Photo above: Mr Koh’s annual A-Level Mass Gathering Revision session

A Proven Framework for Results (A Level Economics Tuition)

There are three parts to TET’s A Level Econs tuition lessons which can be understood through a CAM framework – (1) Content; (2) Application; and (3) Methodology.

Important CONTENT parts are covered as TET paces students through their school curriculum. These include distilling the content into sections which students need to be familiar with for essay-writing and CSQ questions. TET’s A Level economics tuition effectively helps students “cut through the clutter” and develop a laser focus to revision.

The second and most important part of TET’s economics tuition classes is the teaching of APPLICATION skills. TET reviews school and Cambridge examination questions to develop a set of parachute concepts for each chapter. These are concepts, which when opened up (like a parachute), cover a significant part of the syllabus. This also explains why they are favourites to appear in exam questions, since they assess a student’s breadth and depth of knowledge. Along with this, TET has a SALTBAE approach to help students score in case study questions, and a framework to guide essay writing to secure L3 marks.

To augment the above, TET has developed METHODOLOGIES in the form of essay structures (x9) and content frameworks (x8) to help students save time in planning during exams. The three phases complement one another to deliver a powerful impact on a student’s performance. However, even with the best education, diligence remains a great teacher. As such, TET ensures that there is never a dull day in its A Level econs tuition lessons to stimulate students’ interest in Economics.

Below is the scheme of work in a typical year with TET:

Jan-May – Weekly Coaching (for J2s, target is to complete syllabus by end-May) – distilling syllabus into themes, teaching of concepts and answering techniques and question review.

June – Revision Hackathon – an intensive and rigorous programme to build familiarity with key structures/strategies/techniques tested to improve exam performance)

Jul-Sep – Smart Drilling – practising questions most likely to appear in examinations to internalise the structures from Revision Hackathon

Sep/Oct – Exam Simulation + Review – getting used to completing papers under timed constraints and learning from mistakes

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Testimonials on Mr Koh’s JC Economics Tuition

Winnie Soh Hyun
My learning experience with Melvin was incredible and very enjoyable. Melvin even replied every message I sent him about Economics!
Alex Loh
Melvin has not only helped me to improve my economics grade but also made me see economics in a totally different light. Students under his tutelage will soon find themselves destroying economics exams.
Read more
Ryan Goh
Melvin's Parachute Concepts approach was useful in preparing for the exams as it was a very simple, organised, and systematic approach

Why The Need For JC Economics Tuition in Singapore?

Challenges faced by JC Economics students

1) Lacking in Application Skills: Despite spending hours memorising content from the school notes, JC Economics students are unable to apply the content effectively to tackling exam questions. To address this, students need to 1) distill JC Economics syllabus into common tested themes; and 2) develop answering structures for these themes. Both skills will be emphasised in TET’s H2 Econs tuition classes.

2) Lacking in Rigour: Often associated with students who do not spend enough time on their school notes, while these students understand the Economics syllabus, they are unable to demonstrate rigour in the form of precise writing or key diagrams in their answers. To address this, students will need help (i) condensing their school notes into key sections to memorise; and (ii) coming up with acronyms or mnemonics to assist with memory work. These frameworks are contained in TET’s H1 and H2 JC Economics guidebook, as well as its consolidated notes.

3) Time Management: Doing well in the exams required adequate preparation and a strong mindset. Since it is not possible to score full marks for an Economic paper (as is the case for other Humanities subjects), it is not advisable to study using a carpet-bombing strategy where students memorise chunks from their notes in the hope of being able to ‘spam’ them in the answers. Some students even turn to borrowing other schools’ notes to further reinforce their content knowledge, thus missing out on the importance of learning application skills. TET’s JC Economics tuition classes will place emphasis on teaching students key writing structures to reproduce in their answers, so a targeted approach to revision can be adopted.



Article on Technology and Economics Education in 2017 ESS Bulletin – Read more

Writeup on Light Pollution in 2016 Economics Society of Singapore Bulletin – Read more

Journal article on QE in Japan (Asian Journal of Public Affairs)​ – Read more

MAS-ESS First Prize (University Category) 2005 – Article on Asia’s Role in the Global Economy – Read more

Channel NewsAsia – Jun 2007 – “NUS undergrad pips Wharton peer for top honours in MAS-ESS contest” (available upon request)

Straits Times – Mar 2010 – “Making the right moves” (available upon request)

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