Aim of H2 Econs
The H2 Economics syllabus is intended to provide the basis for a broad understanding of economics. Specifically, the syllabus aims to develop in candidates:
1 an understanding of fundamental economic concepts, theories and principles, and of the tools and
methods of analysis used by economists
2 the ability to use the tools and methods of economic reasoning to explain and analyse economic issues,
and to evaluate perspectives and decisions of economic agents
3 the habit of reading critically, from a variety of sources, to gain information about the changing economic
activities and policies at the national and international levels; and
4 the ability to use evidence in making well-reasoned economic arguments to arrive at rational and
considered decisions.
Core Themes of H2 Econs
The syllabus content comprises three core themes:
- Theme 1: The Central Economic Problem
- Theme 2: Markets
- Theme 3: The National and International Economy
H2 Economics Exam Format
The assessment comprises two compulsory written examination papers: Paper 1 (Case Studies) and
Paper 2 (Essays). Taken as a whole, both papers will incorporate a good balance of questions on
microeconomics and macroeconomics.
Paper 1 – Case Studies
There will be two compulsory case studies.
Candidates are required to answer all questions for each case study. Each case study carries 30 marks and constitutes 20% of the total marks. About 12 marks of each set of case study questions will be for data response questions, and about 18 marks will be for higher-order questions.
Total: 60 marks (40%); 2 hours 30 minutes
Paper 2 – Essays
There will be six essay questions.
Candidates are required to answer a total of three essay questions, of which one must be from Section A,
one from Section B and one from either Section A or B.
Section A
Three essay questions focusing mainly on microeconomics will be set. Candidates must answer at
least one question from this section. Each question carries 25 marks.
Section B
Three essay questions focusing mainly on macroeconomics will be set. Candidates must answer at
least one question from this section. Each question carries 25 marks.
Total: 75 marks (60%); 2 hours 30 minutes
Understanding H2 Economics Syllabus
The Economics Curriculum Shape sets the direction for and encapsulates the concept of learning A-Level
Economics in Singapore. At the core of the curriculum shape is the Decision-Making Approach in Economics which guides disciplinary thinking in A-Level Economics. This approach emphasises Sound Reasoning and Decision-Making, which are components under the 21CC domain of Critical and Inventive Thinking. It enables students to better analyse and evaluate how different economic agents make decisions based on the fundamental disciplinary concepts of scarcity, choice and opportunity costs.
The middle ring of the curriculum shape highlights that students learn knowledge, skills and values through inquiry of domestic, regional and global economic issues. By applying the Decision-Making Approach in Economics, students will be able to better analyse and understand the implications of policy decisions arising from these issues.
The outer ring shows the Knowledge, Skills and Values learnt through the curriculum. The Knowledge segment signifies that students will learn economic concepts, theories and principles, as well as tools of economic analysis. The Skills segment represents inquiry, data and information, and economic analysis and evaluation skills that students will develop. The Values segment highlights the values of responsibility, resilience and empathy that students will develop through the learning of Economics. Focusing on these skills and values will allow the Economics Curriculum to support the development of MOE’s 21CC.
Master H2 Economics with ThatEconsTutor
Mr Koh’s approach to distilling key themes in the JC Economics syllabus into easy-to-remember frameworks, coupled with his tried-and-tested set of answering structures have helped many students to overcome difficulties in the subject. Aside from cutting down on time spent memorising content, Mr Koh’s JC Economics tuition students are able to hone their application skills and observe how the same set of answering techniques can be applied across a range of A Level Economics questions.
Contact us today to find out more about our Economics tuition schedule or to sign up for a trial!