H2 Econs Tuition – Answering Case Studies

August7, 2024
by admin

Mr Koh’s H2 Econs tuition classes prepares students for Paper 1 on answering Case Studies through a unique approach – ARSE (pardon the crude acronym). This approach sets out a series of steps to guide us through analysing the case study paper and developing their application skills.

One key thing to note is that in a case study paper, the question page should constitute our “playground”. This is where we get to deploy their key application skills to analyse the questions – to the extent we are able to make an intelligent guess on relevant case evidence needed to back up our answers.

Mr Koh’s ARSE approach taught in his H2 Econs Tuition approach to answering case studies represents a clear departure from traditional approaches (akin to tackling a GP Comprehension Paper) where students pump the extracts hard for answers, failing which they re-read the extracts multiple times for fear of missing out on crucial evidence. This leads to time wasted, which ultimately erodes their final grades.

H2 Econs Tuition: Answering Case Studies – A for Annotate

When attempting a case study, we should first annotate on the question page. This includes setting out reminders such as:

  • Explain question (4m or less): no diagrams unless question specifies
  • Explain “whether” type question: need to present 2 sides with a stand
  • Explain questions that account for 4m or more: diversify answers into 2 points
  • Discuss-type questions: annotate based on DBS – Dartboard, Balance (2 sides in answer), Stand

More skills will be taught and drilled through in Mr Koh’s H2 Econs tuition classes. The main purpose of annotations is to help us decide which parts of the extracts are more relevant where we proceed to the next step.

Answering Case Studies – R for Read

Read, or rather, browse through the extract in a more speedy manner now that you have a pre-determined sense of important evidence you need. Feel free to add annotations to indicate whether a certain section is relevant to the answers later. There is no need to re-read each paragraph to ensure that you have 100% clarity. Remember that extracts are written by journalists and they’re not necessarily entirely relevant to your course of students.

Questions are however set by your examiners, so you can expect full adherence to the A Level syllabus.

Case Studies – Solve

This is where you start to answer the questions based on your annotations and extract evidence. Remember to save 35-40 mins for the higher order questions (18m in total).


h2 econs tuition

Remember to add evaluation for the higher-order questions. This blog post will set out how you can present your evaluation.

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