JC Economics Tuition by Mr Koh: R1 and R2 in Essays and CSQs

July15, 2024
by admin

JC Economics tuition classes by Mr Koh have been adapted in recent years to help students cope with the new answering structure. Specifically, the R1 and R2 structure has been introduced, with the main intent to help students cut down on the amount of writing in their answers i.e. 2 key requirements are sufficient, without the need for a 3rd one. For example, for questions on policy recommendations to deal with a microeconomic or macroeconomic problem, only two well analysed policies are required.

JC Economics Tuition by Mr Koh: Essay Writing

Specifically, for part (b) of an essay, students need to structure their answers in the following format:

R1 (Key Requirement 1)

E1 (Anti-thesis to R1 + interim conclusion) – note that Anti-thesis may be parked under R1 too

R2 (Key Requirement 2)

E2 (Anti-thesis to R2 + interim conclusion) – note that Anti-thesis may be parked under R1 too

Summative Evaluation

5m are awarded for evaluation altogether, and these are mainly scored through E1, E2 and the summative evaluation.

JC Economics Tuition by Mr Koh

Case Studies

On the other hand, higher-order questions (8 or 10m questions) in a case study tend to follow this structure:

R1 (Key Requirement 1)

R2 (Key Requirement 2)

Summative Evaluation

For ease of writing, evaluative points can all be parked under the summative evaluation (though some students may prefer to park 1 or 2 points after R1 too). Note that specific challenges to R1 and R2 do not have to be explicitly presented in the body paragraphs, unlike in an essay (mainly due to lower mark allocation for case study questions). Nonetheless, if the question relates to government policies or firm strategies e.g. whether Policy A or Policy B is more appropriate in tackling a certain problem, students should still endeavour to present anti-thesis points aka limitations of each policy under R1 and R2.

8m and 10m questions allocate 2m and 3m for evaluation points respectively.

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