Summary of Essay Writing Skills for Economics tuition students

March14, 2018
by admin

Many Economics tuition students face two common fears in essay-writing – running out of time or writing out of point. The application of Mr Koh’s essay writing framework should give Economics tuition students a good sense of how to deal with these problems.


To recap:


“Time is running out!”


–        Economics tuition students should memorise definitions and diagrams so that they don’t waste time recalling or regurgitating blindly in hope of hitting the jackpot.


–        Quality and not quantity matters. Use the sanity check to avoid writing off-topic and make sure that students do not include unnecessary paragraphs that do not answer the question.


–        Planning an introduction that summarises your essay gives you a better sense of how much time you require to finish the essay, and whether certain points need to be cut down.


“Am I writing out of point?”


–        Identify and apply the 1-down approach to key words so that you fully capture the context of the question. This means to break down a concept into its su-parts. E.g. for material standards of living, we can break it down into material and non-material aspects, while for impact on consumers, we can break it down into impact on consumer surplus, variety and quality.


–        Apply the sanity check to every topic sentence to avoid steering off-topic when writing the essay.


–        The introduction summarises your essay. If you are not able to plan an introduction that answers the question satisfactorily, pick another question instead.


–        Summarise, summarise, realise –

 Introduction (summary of essay)

 Topic Sentences (summary of paragraph)

 Paragraph (realise your point in full through inclusion the 4 components – DDEE).


This approach instils the discipline for Economics tuition students to constantly eyeball the question as you write.


The logic is similar to driving – if your eyes are constantly focused on the road, it is hard to steer off-course.

economics tuition students

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